Archive for December, 2014

New Years Resolutions

Posted: December 28, 2014 in Uncategorized

been a while since i updated the website

i need to get back on track with it

that will be my new years resolution

to try to get atleast one new post/article/review up a week

i will be looking for guest authors, do you have a decent writing style? have you recently tried a new technique and are interested in sharing how things turned out? bought a kit ( new or old) and want to do a review of how it went together for you so others will know of the pro’s and con’s before opening theirs?

i want to hear from you.

write me at with a subject line of ” website help”

over the first few months i am going to have to go through and fix some of the current articles as the image links seem to have died out.

hope to hear from some of you soon
