Posts Tagged ‘aftermarket parts’

Looking for builders willing to document their builds.

scale does not matter and neither does genre. if you are willing to document a build from start to finish, in pictures and text, then Kitbash Korner needs your help.

Many of you already take pics of your builds in progress and share them on facebook. This is offering you the opportunity to do exactly that but also to be able to put the pictures in a relevant timeline and add as much detail of the building process as possible. By doing this, more people see your hard work, if the build is explained step by step then others who are new to the hobby can learn from what you have done.

you do not have to be a contest quality builder, nor do you have to build a kit directly out of the box. as long as what you are doing is explained in detail, you can build any way you choose.

some people will ask “whats in it for me?

the simple answer is, you get the chance for more people to see your builds, in an arena other than facebook. you also get the satisfaction of knowing that in a year or two, when someone is looking for inspiration for a build they have, they can learn from what you have shown to make their build better.

from opening the box, fixing imperfections, adding details, using aftermarket parts and even scratch building, outlining the whole process gives others a clear idea of the time, effort and skill that goes into your builds.

i have found that by documenting my own builds, i have become a better modeler. because you know the pics you take and descriptions you write will all reflect your personal building habits, it tends to make you slow down and think things through more than it would by just slapping a kit together.

if anyone is interested, either drop me an e mail @ or inbox me on facebook Kitbash Korner

for those of you that already take progress pics of builds, this is a simple thing. for those that have never done so before, it is still not complicated at all.

hope to hear from some of you soon

all the best,
