in the next few months i will be taking some time to go through old articles and updating them

especially ones where the image links have died off. i will start with those.

some of them will have info added to them as i have found different pro’s and con’s over the past 2 years.


Paint Lifting

Posted: January 14, 2015 in Uncategorized
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This week i ran into a problem i have had numerous times before.

paint lifting.

what is paint lifting?

paint lifting is what happens when you try to cover a cool paint with a hotter paint.

the terms hot and cool are based on their carrier fluids

acrylic= water or rubbing alcohol = cool

enamel= mineral spirits = warm

lacquers/acrylic enamel/acrylic lacquer = lacquer thinner/ acetone = hot

you can spray cooler paints over hot ones without a problem 100% of the time.

also conventional acrylics can be overcoated with anything once they dry fully.

the problem i had was actually because i didnt do research and assumed Tamiya acrylics were like others i have used.

the long and short of it was i laid a base coat of tamiya aluminum on a P-51 i am building and then went to clear coat it with duplicolor clear.

the base coat …


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i then decided to clear the kit after it had sit to dry for a few days

i grabbed a can of duplicolor clear and decanted some into the airbrush

3 light coats and everything looked good for a couple minutes, then the chemical reaction started.


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now any other true acrylic on the market would not have done this. Tamiya’s acrylic is a modified acrylic ( dilutes with rubbing alcohol/ water but is in truth solvent based. because that solvent was colder than the solvent in the duplicolor, the solvent attacked the basecoat and started to lift or crinkle it in a few assorted areas.

some areas will be sanded and repainted, others will get a bath in purple power down to bare plastic and then redone.

live and learn.. or in this case.. i live and you learn from it =o)

New Years Resolutions

Posted: December 28, 2014 in Uncategorized

been a while since i updated the website

i need to get back on track with it

that will be my new years resolution

to try to get atleast one new post/article/review up a week

i will be looking for guest authors, do you have a decent writing style? have you recently tried a new technique and are interested in sharing how things turned out? bought a kit ( new or old) and want to do a review of how it went together for you so others will know of the pro’s and con’s before opening theirs?

i want to hear from you.

write me at with a subject line of ” website help”

over the first few months i am going to have to go through and fix some of the current articles as the image links seem to have died out.

hope to hear from some of you soon


one of our builders Dogfish7 aka Bruce is building a Zombie killer in our build off.

take a look at some progress pics below




stop by the forums and see how he is pulling this one off using some detailing parts from unlikely sources

one of our members, Custom Mike, has started an awesome version of a 69 Camaro Ragtop in the forums.

a few sneak peeks are below




follow Mikes full build up here